Publié le par Clyde westwood

It’s obvious all around is such a mess

Cause he has left all of us much too soon

When all I can see around is darkness

I only ear endless gossip from noon


Now he’s quiet you all can stop

Cause your gunshots lead to nowhere

In his poor body not a blood drop

But I see snippers still waiting out there


I say


Please leave my brother alone

Cherish his memory now he’s gone

After having been worldwilde

Give him back his pride

From a trip too long,

he’s now back home

So leave him alone


Most of people pretend they were good friends

But left him all alone with his cold case

That one they shouldn’t rub shoulders with

With not even a «  hello »when they met


When the king has flown away, we wander why

Unfortunately my song will bring you no answer

It’s just a way for me to scream and say goodbye

A love letter from a brother to another (one)


Please leave my brother alone

Cherish his memory now he’s gone

After having been worldwilde

Give him back his pride

From a trip too long,

he’s now back home

So leave him alone


He was spreading brotherhood

Like a rainbow thru the rain

Now he left Hollywood

No more pain and no more gain

Suffered enough, my brother who has paid the price

Blood of my blood

Flesh of mine

You have deserved now to rise.

Publié dans ENGLISH

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